Saturday 12 January 2008

Summer Fun

Here are the gorgeous girlies :)

Hannah and Abby love to share bath time, although they're quickly outgrowing this tub! They both enjoy showers now though, so it's no big deal, somehow the 3 of them fit in there and shower together!

Abby can also climb in and out of the tub and shower by herself, which is a little hair raising when it's so wet and slippery. Occasionally she gets dunked for a second but no harm done and there's always someone close by to grab her. Bother, I accidentally deleted the photo :(

We have been to the pool twice and are going again today as soon as we've had morning tea, so I'd better get on with it! They both absolutely LOVE the water and Hannah is growing in confidence each time.

Abby absolutely loves being outside, and she can open the front door and screen to get out onto the verandah now. She can't get back in the screen door, so that's a bit frustrating for her, but she'll work it out pretty soon. The verandah is all fully fenced now and she's not showing any tendency to climb yet, she toddles around pushing toys or looking at the animals and feeling the wind on her face :)

Our little pool is also out there some of the time, Daddy carefully leaves the hoses in the sun so by afternoon, the water is quite hot, and they can have a play in comfortable temperature water.

We do have a latch on the screen door, so if the water hasn't been emptied out of the pool, I can lock her inside, thank goodness! She loves her little watering can which you can see in the picture, and Hannah's old purple mower is also a hit!

Hannah is developing a real sense of humour and loves to make faces for the camera ;) She's holding a plastic fish in case you were wondering LOL! We bought her several sets of food and kitchen stuff from Target last year, so we have everything from sausages to salmon to spatulas lurking around the house!

We measured Hannah the other day, she's over 110cm tall now, still growing about 1cm a month which she has been doing for the last year. Very, very long legs, just like Mummy :) She's looking forward to going back to the preschool program at daycare this year and catching up with her friends. She may have some new friends as she's going on a different day this year. I'm hoping to take her back to Physie, seeing as ballet didn't come off last year...waiting to hear whether they have a teacher for the little ones...hopefully I won't have to volunteer!
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