Sunday 18 March 2007

Rock and Roll!

Hi everyone :) Yesterday we took the girls to the creek and scampered about there for a while, enjoying the warm sun and cool water, climbing on the rocks and feeling the sand between our toes. Abby seemed to enjoy having her toes dabbled in the water, despite the look of grim concentration while it was happening! She is still getting used to the bright light of outside I think. The other part of the title is roll - which is exactly what she is doing now! She can quite easily roll from her back to her front, not quite so good at turning back over when she's tired though :) She is making serious attempts at getting mobile already, it's making my hair stand on end, the thought of having a mobile baby within a month LOL! Hoping she takes a little longer than that ;)

You'll find a picture of some craft that Hannah and I made on Friday at the end of this post, we had a lot of fun making a zoo :) She cut out the baby animals by herself and did quite well, only the giraffe got cut in half, and only the joey lost his head ROFL! The matchsticks are fences and the glitter is the path.

I went to a fundraising lunch for our ABA group today, it was a fun afternoon and I had a nice time chatting with several mum's who had the same midwife attend their homebirths as I had. I wore my new top, and I'll upload a photo of it, although we didn't get to it until tonight so my hair is all messed up and the light isn't good :) Abby had a lovely time watching all the new faces or sleeping in the Ergo carrier, but by the time we got home she was very keen to just 'kick back', literally, she spent the first hour rolling around on the floor with her nappy off. She was also very keen to see Daddy. When he came in she was just about ready to sleep but she stayed awake for half an hour to talk to him before dropping off...4 hours later she is still asleep and looks to be settled for the night! Now the challenge will be to get a night nappy on her without waking her too much when she wakes to feed LOL!

I don't have too much more to add...I asked Kim if he had any particular news to share but he couldn't think of anything LOL. He has been spending a fair bit of time arranging Diana's 21st birthday and also a weekend away in April around his birthday, as he has been asked to work the long weekend, which is usual, there is always a big job with the cattle those holidays that must be done while the owner is visiting and there are extra hands on duty!

Much love to all,



Monday 12 March 2007

Phew! Weird Weather!

Hi everyone :) Just quickly popping in to say hello. We have been having some strange weather around here. All through summer we had days which were rediculously cool, not getting over 20 degrees all day, along with some stinkers, but February has been mostly reasonable. Yet today we were back to 30 degrees! I drove around town admiring the real estate and visiting streets I'd not been down to get the air conditioning going before picking the girls up from daycare.

Hannah is learning to write her name, they have laminated cards in her preschool room and they trace over their letters with whiteboard markers...I'm sure she loves that because I won't let her have big textas at home LOL! She is really enjoying new challenges like that, and has stopped asking to go outside all the time - no doubt as soon as the filthy winter weather kicks in that will change! She loves to dance, I got some great shots of her like the one above...can't wait until the girls are a little older and I can do some scrapbooking!

Abby rolled from her back to her front today :) She can just wriggle her arm out from under herself into a comfy position most of the time, and she thinks she's so clever :) In the picture she's wearing my latest knitting project, quite a triumph actually :) We use cloth nappies, and a knitted wool cover treated with lanolin keeps most moisture in, allows some to evaporate while neutralising the wee smell and is very cool for bottoms, meaning with a good nappy underneath, I don't have to get up and change it during the night! I'll try and post some more pictures tomorrow, but all female members of the family have had a nasty cold in the last fortnight, so I am going to have to do some serious housework now I'm almost well again. Fortunately the MOTH doesn't seem to be coming down with it, all that lovely fresh farm air and immune-stimulating germs are doing the trick!

So I shall say goodnight and love to all :)

Tuesday 6 March 2007

Mummy's Turn!

Hi all! It's been a busy week! We went to Inverell and stayed Friday night with Kim's younger daughter and met her boyfriend who is very nice, then we drove to Narrabri to see Kim's parents, Kim's older daughter came down from Moree to stay as well, then on Sunday we drove her home and saw her new flat, visited in Inverell again then got home about 9.30pm! It was quite hot, very glad the airconditioning in this car works and doesn't break down all the time like our 2 previous vehicles! So Abby has met her grandparents and sisters and had a wonderful time, except she has Hannah's cold and is quite snuffly. Fine during the day but worse at night, of course LOL! She had a 2.5 hour sleep today, so hopefully lots of healing went on there :) Kim's boss is visiting for the week so they have been doing the big jobs together like weighing cattle and such. We had some rain last night and a few showers today, so that was nice...I'm glad most of the washing went on the verandah clothesline this morning LOL! Hannah is coming along in leaps and bounds with learning to write and read, she is very good at sound recognition and can write 'H' without assistance! I'll put up a picture of her with some worksheets we did last week, lots of colouring, cutting and glueing :) I am hoping to weigh Abby tomorrow, she is growing out of some of her nappies so I'll have to get sewing and make some more. I've learned how to knit, I'll also put up a pic of my latest triumph! And one of Abby enjoying the shower with Daddy :) Must go to bed, it's quite late. Love to you all, from Nikki xoxo