Saturday 24 February 2007

My big day

Hi! I had a big day today, just thought I'd tell you about it :) Daddy cooked me 2 fried eggs for breakfast, and I ate all of them. We went for a drive in the ute to check something on the farm, and by the time we got home for morning tea at 11, I was so tired I went to bed for a rest! I jumped out again pretty quickly when Daddy said he'd take me down to muster the sheep and pick one to butcher later today! That was great fun, but I was so tired after that I couldn't finish my yummy animal pasta for lunch, I just had to sleep. I even took myself to bed, coz I couldn't wait for Mummy or Daddy. Had a nice big sleep, got up and ate some junk food with Mummy and Daddy, our weekend treat. Then Daddy took me out for a swim in the new dam (the one that isn't very deep, only up to Daddy's chest) and back down to butcher the sheep. We got home about 6.45, Mummy helped Daddy hang up the sheep in the meathouse while I listened out for Abby in case she woke up (she didn't, she's a good little sleeper!). We finally had dinner, a bath and got to bed, I was so tired I didn't even want good night kisses. I think I'll have a big sleep in tomorrow and take it a bit easier! Mummy was so impressed, even though I was so tired, I didn't throw any tantrums today! OK, talk to you again soon! Love Hannah PS In the picture I'm trying out Mummy's new phone headset, it's really handy for walking around the house when I'm talking to you!

Friday 23 February 2007

First Entry!

My very first blog entry! Hmm, what to say? Welcome and thanks for coming to catch up with what's going on around here!

Poor Daddy was just about to finish work when a neighbour's bull came rampaging after our cows again (he's going to market on Monday, not a moment too soon), so there was extra work to put him least he only smashed ONE gate this time ;)

I went to ABA in town and had a nice time...just remembered that Hannah had lots of sand in her undies from the sandpit which went all over the bathroom floor, and Mummy forgot to mention it...I hope they vacuumed in there! Hannah also did some great drawings and played with dinosours. All I could do was watch, which was enough really. Mummy gave me a nice feed and I drifted off to sleep all by myself lying on my blankie on the floor near Mummy - she was so proud! She sat there and made sure none of the crawling babies climbed on me, and Hannah helped with that too.

I am putting a lot of my energy into smiles and learning to talk at the moment. My favourite sounds are "oh" and "ow", it's really fun to say them as long as I can, as loud as I can, especially when Mummy joins in, although sometimes she makes such funny faces I just have to laugh...and sometimes she just plain cheats and tickles me!
I'd better let Hannah write the next entry, sisters must share...we'd better share with Mummy too, it is her computer after all :)
Love from Abby xoxo